Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best Picks for Kid's Clothing

OK, for girl's clothing anyway. Little girl's clothing. My daughter is 4 (four and A HALF she will quickly add). She is very opinionated about what she wears, and if she doesn't like it, she won't wear it. Here is our joint list of what we agree on, for what she wears the most often. I had some different choices when she was younger and they will doubtless change as she gets older, but here's what it is now:
Coats & Jackets -- For style, details, quality, washability, and snuggability:

Hats & Gloves -- Cute, affordable, and durable:

Tops -- For cuteness, detailing, uniqueness, fit, and ability to look new despite 618 washings and repeated applications of stain stick (along with help from my obsessive washing inside out, in cold water, and air drying):

Skirts -- Always we search for cuteness. Fit, quality of construction, and durability also super important:

Tights -- Need to be inexpensive, because she wears them 6.5 days per week. She owns at least 10 pairs of tights at any given time. They also need to be cute, need to vaguely go with her various preferred color palettes, and need to fit her tall and thin frame:
Target! (I actually go to the store in person for this one)
Pants & Leggings (I love pants. She does not. So she seldom wears them, but the favorites we can agree on, for comfort, style, detailing, and fit, are:)

Camis -- Affordable and often on sale. Durable. Nice little details so they work when peeking out from under a shirt, such as a crystal heart at the bottom hem or pretty lace edging around the neckline: and

Undershirts (as underwear undershirts, not for cute public display. But with polka dots, etc. for cute under-use, also often on sale):

Underwear -- Hanna's are not on sale too much, but so durable and so comfortable, and with such great fit, that I always buy a couple of packs when they are on sale. The Children's Place are often on sale, and are like a slightly less nice version of Hanna's undies, while still being nice quality:
Dresses -- Style and durability are foremost. Quality and fit are still major considerations. Climbing trees and rolling around on the floor need to be performed frequently when one is four and so comfort is a must:
Shoes -- For the vast selection of brands, incredible sale prices, customer reviews, and free shipping with free returns:

I am not entirely happy with any of the socks we have bought in the past couple of years. When she was a baby, the Trumpette socks were my fave. When she was a toddler, Old Navy ruled. Now her the shape of her feet, her style, and her footwear cannot all agree on a sock source. Fortunately she wears tights 6.5 days per week.

There. My first list. Of course it is about clothes, and of course it is about my daughter. Happy shopping.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I Have an Opinion on Everything

I have an opinion on everything. Well, most things. Most things that matter to me, anyway. And if it doesn't matter to me, chances are that, in my opinion, it's not very important.

I am passionate about my opinions. Fervently I call my sisters to tell them about my favorite new skin care products. Desperately, I warn others to stay away from that terribly frustrating restaurant. Dramatically, I announce my opinions of movies -- even some that I haven't seen.

I am of the opinion that keeping lists is a skill, and a tool that may benefit me at a later date. Lest I re-purchase that most terrible gluten-free baking mix, I will make a note to myself that it was terrible and avoid the later disappointment. The Stickies program on my Mac is beloved to me, and various virtual stickies cover most of my virtual desktop. There may be even too many of them.

Yikes, that sounded noncommittal. Let me clarify. There are absolutely too many stickies looming about. It is time to redistribute the lists, to categorize the opinions. It is time to reconsider, and readdress.

It is time.